Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Boring Blogging...

Summary: I had plans to make this blog look better (more app and gadget friendly through possible light background dark text, though I loath to give up my Oldboy dark themed banner), organise blog better with specific posts on specific days, link it to other places we're active, and appropriately become, you know... active in order to make that useful. But instead what with Ant getting the blue screen of death on his computer after a Windows update, we're sharing my laptop. He's editing a little thing called Death Carts, we're not coordinating using the one computer very well, when I get on it I'm not writing blogs. I'm prioritising the script and trying to get back to themed blog articles but I never seem to have the time after I've given in to the pull of all those cat moms hugging their kittens videos.

So for the next couple of weeks I'll probably only be writing something on this blog and checking out all the blogs I love twice a week. So, four times in the next two weeks :/  Hopefully by that time I'll have thought of a better solution. If only I could access blogger from XBOX, I could sit reading and writing it on the projector while Ant edits supermarket trolleys smashing into each other awash in the sickly yellow hue of parking lot streetlights...
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